Wednesday 14 December 2016



Write about a nightmare journey you’ve had (or invent one). Include the following information:

- When was the journey? Where were you going? Who with? Why?

- What went wrong? What happened?

- What happened in the end?

Length: 150 words

Deadline: January 10th

Wednesday 7 December 2016


When we talked about dangerous things to do behind the wheel in the class, most of you did not consider driving and listening to music particularly hazardous and some of you even found it relaxing.

Apparently many people think driving and listening to music is fun. So do all the fans of James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke. Carpool Karaoke, a segment of James Corden's Late Late Show on CBS, has become an online phenomenon.

In this part of the programme the host drives around in a car with celebrity guests singing their favourite tunes. Some of the biggest names in music and film, including Madonna, Justin Bieber, Stevie Wonder, Tom Hanks, One Direction, Lady Gaga and Adele have been some of Corden’s passengers.

One of the most popular segments included the then-First Lady singing a song by Stevie Wonder as he drove her around the streets of Washington DC. Thirty-four million people viewed the video of Michelle Obama rocking out to her favourite singer just one week after it first aired.

Watch it and enjoy, but don’t forget to drive safely!

Check the You Tube Channel for other guests:

Friday 2 December 2016


Did you enjoy Top Gear's challenge in the class?

Here's a link to the real programme on BBC. Enjoy this international award-winning series about motor vehicles famous for its presenters' quirky humorous style.


You would like to learn Russian and you see this advert in a newspaper. You would like to know more. Read the ad and the notes you have made. Write an email to the school asking for more information.

Length: 170 words

Deadline: December 20th


For the first writing assignment of the year you will need to read a book of your choice and complete a SHEET with some notes about it. We will use it for a CLASS DISCUSSION of the books you and your classmates have read. You will work in little groups (4-5 people) using your notes to give a presentation about the book you have read.

Let me know about your choice for a book as soon as you decide, as I will arrange the groups so that the people in each group have read different books.

Intermedio 1: January 23rd, 24th
Avanzado 2: January 24th

The book should be FICTION.

- If you are an intermediate student you should choose a reader with at least LEVEL B1 (Intermediate).

- If you are an advanced student the book you choose should be UNABRIDGED.

If you are not sure about what to choose ask me.

* If you have an e-reader and you would prefer to download your book, check my older post about FREE GRADED READERS.